This fifth edition of « Marche en Avant » begins on October 04, 2018 in Mount Brydges to be finished in Ottawa, Ontario. As its name indicates, the 2018 edition is tittled « March for Peace in Togo » aims to inspire and support peace efforts in Togo as well as to inform and to promote Togoland to Canadians and Togolese people from around the world.
The march will be inspired by the quotes of personalities like Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Noam Chomsky, Terry Fox, etc.
This event will last twenty days to cover 660 km which represents the distance of Togo from North to South. On the 20th day, we will pass on Parliament Hill Square and make a moment of silence at the fires of Confederation for Peace. Then deposit a letter to the Togolese authorities at the Embassy of Togo. Then we will gather at the base of the Nelson Mandela Square Walk (between Lisgar Street and Elgin) in Ottawa where a small meeting will be held.
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